
Plentitude: A Sustainable Drag Fashion Show

Nearly 8 months ago, we asked ourselves the question “How do we challenge the prevailing scarcity mindset and lean into a mindset rooted in abundance?”. We’d seen the negative impacts that greed and short-sightedness could have on our world at large and we were determined to fight back. The eventual manifestation of that answer is Plentitude NYC, a coalition of local organizations committed to sustainably highlighting local artists and uplifting members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Throughout the process, we concretized a brand identity, instituted a decentralized organizational structure, and even created Plenti, our new mascot.Then, on September 24th, Plentitude NYC announced itself to the world with it’s first major event, Plentitude: A Sustainable Drag Fashion Show. The event paired local fashion designers with local drag performers to create one-of-a-kind, upcycled garments and featured local, sustainable for a night centered our collective and individual plenitude. Though the event might have felt like one last hurrah, we view it as a big bang. There will be Plenti more to come so stay tuned.

-Ekene Nkem-Mmekam, Creative Technologist

The Athletics Innovation Grant encourages ambitious members of the Athletics team to pursue a creative or technical project beyond their day-to-day client work — armed with a handsome budget of $10,000 to make it happen. The grant is awarded to the individual or group within our studio with the most compelling proposal for pushing the boundaries of our studio practice, as selected by our partners at the start of each year.
