
New Case Study / ServiceNow Meets the Moment

ServiceNow develops innovative workplace automation software, fueled by the belief that a new generation of digital workflows will make work, work better. We’re pleased to report that our latest case study, exploring ServiceNow’s new digital publication, Workflow Quarterly, is now live (link below).


Workflow Quarterly is designed for C-level executives in the process of implementing digital workflows, focusing on issues relating to this innovative field—from culture to technology to leadership. The publication is built on a flexible system to present original research in a compelling narrative format, enabling the dynamic layering of content types, and giving ServiceNow the power to supplement writing with, for example, rich data visualizations, quizzes, and digitization “heat maps.” The objective was to provide an immersive experience befitting the innovative nature of the subject matter, while not getting in the way of critical information. Since launching, the publication has built a strong audience, including 3,300+ loyal readers in the first eight months.


In the midst of the current global health crisis, ServiceNow’s promise of using digitization to help the world work better is being put to the test in dramatic ways across the public and private sectors. As ServiceNow President and CEO Bill McDermott wrote in an open letter, “Business must go on, particularly during times of crisis, and that requires managing complex workflows.” 


To illustrate the point, when COVID-19 began spreading through the west coast, the State of Washington Department of Health relied on ServiceNow solutions to quickly coordinate containment efforts, building and launching an Emergency Response Operations application on the company’s Now Platform in a matter of weeks. According to Jennifer McNamara, CIO for the Washington Department of Health, “Our ability to quickly create and deploy the Emergency Response Operations app on the ServiceNow platform has made a huge difference in our response times and overall effectiveness. That’s a benefit for everyone in Washington state during this challenging situation.”


To help other health departments and organizations take advantage of this vital resource, ServiceNow and Washington State have made the Emergency Response Operations app free and publicly available. Additionally, ServiceNow has quickly deployed three other community apps to help businesses and organizations navigate this tumultuous period: Emergency Outreach, Emergency Self Report, and Emergency Exposure Management. All are fully configurable, and available free of charge.


Athletics couldn’t be more proud to call ServiceNow a partner at this critical moment.


Access ServiceNow crisis management applications here

Read our full Workflow Quarterly case study here

Read every issue of Workflow Quarterly here

